Saturday, May 2, 2015

Blogger Things I Suck At! #Freestyle Fridays Saturday

Hey everyone! I decided to make this post because I've been watching some Youtube videos with this theme, but they were called 'Booktube Things I Suck At', and since I'm not on Youtube stuff, I decided to make this 'Blogger Things I Suck At'. 

#1 thing I suck at: Schedule.
This is one of the main things I have issues with. My time is so out of control PLUS I'm lazy as hell. Don't get me wrong, I love my blog, and I love to post on it, but I'm so untidy with my time: I have to go to school, make infinite tons of work for it, write in here & read new books -which are things I love- and have what some people call a life? I need more hours on the day sometimes.

#2 thing I suck at: Good/Different Ideas.
My brain somedays is so dry, that I can't think of good things to write. Sometimes I want to make a really deep, or fun, or special post, but when I get in front of the screen, I'm just in blank.

Like right now, I'm blank. And there's just two things in here.

#3 thing I suck at: Communication.
I'm so bad at this, I feel that after tweeting about my posts, I don't have anything else to say, because I feel that anything else is irrelevant -and I could be 185% wrong.

#4 thing I suck at: Reviewing.
This is the base of my blog, but I feel I suck at it. I usually write the review right after I finished the book, but it's so hard getting my thoughts together and write a perfect review, because all of the time, they don't end the way I wanted to.

That's all that I can think for now! If someday I discover more blogger things I suck at I'm totally going to do a part 2! If you also have a blog or have a booktube channel on Youtube, do this! Tell me the things you suck at to sharing the links in my Twitter or in a comment! Because we're all humans and we have to suck at  some  a lot of things.

I hope you enjoyed this post, don't forget to follow all of my social media and subscribe in the subscription mail box, like always is on the right side of your screen. BYE!

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